ASB School Stories

Located in the heart of Mumbai, India, the American School of Bombay is a coeducational, independent, IB day school from Pre-K to Grade 12.

ASB Handbook 2021-22

Section 3: Code of Conduct

3.11 Consequences for Violations of the ASB Code of Conduct 

Depending on the nature and the gravity of the choice and the age of the student, any or  all of the following may result: 

  • Warning to the student 
  • Student will be asked to change into appropriate attire or provided with a PE uniform
  • Lunch or after school suspension 
  • Completion of a Student Reflection Form 
  • Values Learning Plan (defined below) 
  • Email or call to the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) 
  • Counseling of the student involved 
  • Parent/Student/Associate Principal/Principal conference 
  • Disciplinary Probation (defined below) 

Where not specified in the Safe Environment Section, other violations will result in the below consequences:

Conflicts with Core Values 

Our mission and core values emphasize curiosity, self-motivation, compassion, kindness, and integrity. While each of us will strive to meet these expectations, sometimes community members make decisions that may conflict with the community’s  Core Values. The school intends to educate students, so they make thoughtful decisions and consider the consequences of their actions to themselves and the community.  

When behaviors conflict with the core values, we will work with students to allow them to take responsibility for their actions and to correct their behaviors.  The foundation of this work is based on the Values Learning Plan, which guides a student as they go through a learning process. 

Values Learning Plan 

The purpose of completing a Values Learning Plan is to help a student reflect on certain behaviors he/she has chosen to display. It is also an opportunity to assist the student in developing a plan to alter these behaviors. When completed, this plan must be signed by the parent(s), the teacher, and the principal. 

The student will complete a piece of thoughtful writing, in which the following questions are addressed. 

  • Describe what you did. Why did this happen? 
  • Explain the consequences of your actions to yourself and others. 
  • How do your actions relate to our school community values and your personal values? 
  • Describe the steps fully you will take to make amends to those affected. 

Guidelines for Behavior that conflicts with ASB Core Values 

We believe that consequences for misbehavior need to be fair to help students develop self-discipline and personal responsibility. To maintain consistency, ASB operates within a series of consequential guidelines. In the text below are possible consequences for conflicts with our values, which may be single, sequential, or simultaneous. Additional details are outlined in specific sections of the handbook. 

  • Not Taking Personal Responsibility 
  • Minor behaviors that do not directly disrupt the teaching and learning of others such as Lateness 
  • Dress code concern 
  • Inappropriate displays of affection 
  • Swearing 
  • Not cleaning up after self 
  • Homework not done 

Consequences are designed to promote Responsible Behavior 

Depending on the behavior the following interventions are employed by the teacher: 

  • Verbal warning: provide feedback regarding behavior and reminder of the expectation 
  • Discuss strategies for improvement 
  • Stay after class during break/ flex 44 ASB High School Handbook 
  • Email parent 
  • Report if necessary to Associate Principal 

Behavior that is disrespectful (or repeated behaviors above) 

These include behaviors which disrupt teaching and learning such as: 

  • Frequent lateness to subject class 
  • Absent from class without permission 
  • Academic Honesty concern 
  • Inappropriate Technology Use 
  • Attendance Concerns 
  • Bullying and/or Harassment 
  • Disrespecting property of another 

Consequences are designed to allow students to reflect on their behavior and plan improvement which may involve the support of the Associate Principal, counselors,  parents, and teachers. 

  • Values Learning Plan 
  • Re-do assignment 
  • Conflict mediation/ counseling 
  • Temporary removal from class 
  • Data entry into Veracross 
  • Conference with parent 
  • Loss of break time 
  • Time spent after school 
  • Limiting access to technology 
  • Loss of subject credit/ Incomplete Grade 

Serious Offences (or repeated behaviors above)  

These include behaviors which are considered to violate the rights of others and/or are  considered dangerous: 

  • Violence toward self, others or property 
  • Vandalism 
  • Fighting 
  • Theft 
  • Academic Honesty Concern on Externally Moderated work (DP) 
  • Possessing dangerous items/ weapons 
  • Possessing or accessing pornographic material 
  • Computer hacking, trashing or tampering in any way with another person’s work or  intellectual property  
  • Using, possessing, or distributing tobacco (including vaping and e-cigarette paraphrenalia), alcohol, or other drugs on school premises, field trips 
  • Any instance that places the school in disrepute 

Consequences are designed to demonstrate that students will lose privileges if they don’t respect the rights of others which may involve teachers, parents, counselors,  administrators, and other supports as appropriate. A Values Learning Plan will be  completed in addition to at least one of the following: 

  • Suspension 
  • Parent/teacher/ administrator conference 
  • Removal from Co-Curricular activities/ or trip participation 
  • Disciplinary probation 
  • Drug testing 
  • Suspended technology use 
  • Incident to be reviewed by Head of School, and/or school board 
  • Expulsion 
  • Referral for counseling 
  • Loss of IB Diploma 

In addition to the Values Learning Plan, the consequences of not being responsible and/or making decisions in conflict with the ASB Core Values could be any or all of the following: 

In cases where the violation is of sufficient magnitude and/or if the offense takes place in the context of a history of violations of other school policies and rules, the principal may be recommend to the Head of School that the student be expelled. 

Decisions regarding probation and suspension are made by the Principal. Appeals to such decisions may be made to the Head of School . Decisions regarding expulsion are made by the Head of School in accordance with Board policy. 

Disciplinary Probation 

When the magnitude of violation of rules of student conduct is serious, or when violations  persist in spite of counseling and/or warning of the student and parents concerned, the  principal of the school may place the student on disciplinary probation. The Principal must inform the Head of School of such a decision. 

In all cases where a student is given disciplinary probation, the student and parents must  be informed in writing both of the reason for the probation and the terms of that probation. When the Principal thinks it is necessary and appropriate, the student will be recommended for counseling. 

Disciplinary probation may include restrictions on any part of the student’s program.  This could include participation in extra-curricular activities and/or the requirement that flex periods be spent in supervised study to strengthen the student’s internalization of the rule(s) violated. 

All instances of disciplinary probation must include reference to the consequences of any  further violation of the rules of student conduct, and this must be shared in writing with  the student and parents concerned.